Brady wants to see quicker approval of foreign-trained nurses


Aug. 5, 2022

SIMCOE – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Bobbi Ann Brady gave kudos to Ontario Health Minister Sylvia Jones for the directive to expedite approval for foreign-trained nurses. Brady has long been a proponent of this concept.

During Nursing Week, which occurred during the 2022 campaign, Brady sent out a news release calling for acceleration of the approval of internationally-educated nurses. The release stated: “Ontario is home to more than 14,000 internationally educated nurses (IEN) who could be on the frontline today, but red tape keeps them side-lined. Brady said she would call on the Ontario Government to accelerate the processing of these IEN applications to alleviate pressure on nurses.”

In the wake of the temporary closure of some hospital emergency rooms over the long weekend due to staffing issues, Jones told the Ontario College of Nurses and the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons to come up with plans for quicker approvals of health care professionals trained in other countries. They were given two weeks to come up with a plan. A 2020 report showed more than 14,000 foreign-trained nurses were seeking accreditation to work in Ontario.

“Many have said Ontario health care is in crisis in recent days,” Brady said today. “Quicker approval of internationally-educated nurses is one solution to solve this and get more hands on deck.”


For more information, contact MPP Bobbi Ann Brady at 519-428-0446 or [email protected]